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FAQs About Reviews

Business reviews have been coming up a lot in conversations with our clients, so I wanted to address some of the most common questions that are asked about reviews. How do I ask people for reviews? Try not to...

Using Animation Effectively on Your Website

It's important to carefully consider which elements on your site should animate. If everything moves, users can become confused, overwhelmed, or annoyed. Here are three questions to ask of your website animations.

Outdated Design

Here at RedTree we live, breathe and eat design. It's in everything that we do because it is so important. I’ve been talking about the importance of keeping your website up-to-date for 3+ years. Three years ago this might...

Is your website included in your sales process?

Would you like some more sales help? Maybe from someone willing to work 24/7 for a minimal rate, represent your brand professionally and even help you continue the sales conversation at any hour of the day or night?

How Website Design Can Reinforce Your Brand Culture

A large part of RedTree’s Discovery Phase is learning about who our clients are. We’re not talking about scratching the first layer of paint. We want to dig in through all the layers of paint and old wallpaper to...

Intro to AMPs (Accelerated Mobile Pages) ⚡

Website speed is a topic we’ve covered before on the blog. Whether it’s why you should use browser caching or how to optimize your site’s images, we’re always talking about how to make our websites faster. That’s because website...

What is Web Design?

Most definitions of Web Design begin and end with a list of technical elements, but the science of web design is rarely enough to move the needle in any meaningful way. The technical elements of web design are important,...

Why you SHOULD Hire a Web Designer in 2018, or any year…

RedTree has a wide range of clients from one-person businesses to larger long-standing family-owned companies. Regardless of their “type”, they all come to us to create a website or update their current one. I realize this is obvious as...

How many clicks does it take?

Have you ever seen the old cartoon of the boy asking the owl, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop"? Every time we look at a website we ask a...

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