
Work smarter with ongoing updates to your website

I can’t tell you how many times I've talked to businesses and they have a laundry list of things that need to be done on their website. This list keeps getting longer and longer due to a lack of...

How we launched an eCommerce site in 20 days

We launched a client's website in 20 days. It wasn't as complicated as you might think as long as we took the time upfront to get everything ironed out and troubleshooted. We broke down our process and how we...

Accessible websites are better for everyone

Accessibility on the web isn’t about catering to any specific group of people. It’s about thoughtfully designing and creating a product that everyone can use.

The Importance of User Research

User experience or UX design has risen in popularity in recent years despite it’s always having been an important part of the user centered design process. This notoriety has increased its use by companies and organizations of a much...

Items needed to start a website

We understand the a website redesign can be overwhelming, especially if your looking at a blank canvas. Start with these two simple items and it will start you on the right path.

Using Animation Effectively on Your Website

It's important to carefully consider which elements on your site should animate. If everything moves, users can become confused, overwhelmed, or annoyed. Here are three questions to ask of your website animations.

Outdated Design

Here at RedTree we live, breathe and eat design. It's in everything that we do because it is so important. I’ve been talking about the importance of keeping your website up-to-date for 3+ years. Three years ago this might...

Site Architecture & Navigation Tips

One of the issues we work with our clients on most often is their site architecture. This, in its most simple definition, is the organization of a website. This organization is most obvious in a website’s navigation. The user...

The Benefits of Mobile-First Design

Giving your site’s mobile experience more consideration can help to simplify and strengthen your website’s overall user experience. Here’s how.

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