Work smarter with ongoing updates to your website

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to businesses and they have a laundry list of things that need to be done on their website. This list keeps getting longer and longer due to a lack of budget or lack of time to manage the tasks. By the time they are talking to me they are usually in a panic because there is something big happening, like they are going to a trade show or trying to make a big sale, and they know their website doesn’t represent their business correctly.

This isn’t the best situation to be in and most of the time the work tends to suffer because there isn’t time or energy to brainstorm, collaborate, and execute well. It’s literally, “Just get something up and then we will circle back to it later”, but then most businesses don’t.

I don’t want anyone to be in that situation, which is why we work closely with a lot of our clients in an ongoing capacity to make sure they are representing their brand well, speaking to their users, and establishing a relationship with us which would allow for easy and impactful improvements.

Brand Representation

Most businesses we work with change and pivot almost daily and they need to make sure their website is showcasing those innovations. A lot of times we see a company that will share these innovations with their internal staff but don’t think to add it to their website so that prospects and clients can see how their business has evolved.

We discussed in length before about what brand is and how you should use it. Think of your brand as how your users feel when they engage with your business. What is the value you’re bringing and are you representing that?

Ideal User Experience

There are a ton of ways you can monitor what your users are doing on your website. What content are they reading the most? Where are they coming in and where are they leaving? Spend the time to look through your data and get a feel for what the user is trying to do and if they are getting stuck, or if they are not following the goal you want them to achieve. Then you need to figure out why and modify that flow.

Sometimes your first client engagement is actually through a SERP on Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go, etc. If you’re not being found for a specific term or keyword or you’re not getting the click-through, you might want to change some SEO on your website to reflect your brand value and differentiator before users even get to your site.

Establish Relationship

It is difficult to start a new relationship with a vendor while you’re in a panic. If you already have an established rapport and the partner you are working with understands your larger brand and business objectives, then you already have that partner on your side to help you achieve your goal instead of trying to set a baseline of communication standards.

We have a whole group of experts that work closely with each one of our clients to help them succeed. We establish goals and help them set paths to achieve those goals.

An area that is often overlooked but is of great value to your website is applying ongoing and routine updates. These updates are important to user experience and can have a huge impact on your SEO and maximizing your budget. Working with our team can help you avoid those last-minute panic changes.

Don't Branch Out Alone

We know that your time is limited but taking your website to the next level is essential. Don’t branch out alone. Tap into our team of experts to keep your site ahead of the curve.

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