Why Your Site Needs SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is how we get your website to rank for specific terms you want to get found for. Search engines are the controllers of website traffic. People typically won’t even find your site...

Are You Picking the Right Site Platform?

Smart website planning works like all strategic plans – You start with the big questions. What is the purpose of your site? This leads to the next big question: Which website platform should you use to build it? This...

4 Tips for a Faster WordPress Site

Did you know that website load times can affect your Google search ranking? Google has actually considered site speed a ranking factor for years, and these days it also includes mobile load times. So how can you speed up...

Not Speaking to Your Audience

Your website can make or break your business. It’s your storefront, lead generator, brand ambassador, sales assistant and more. Companies invest heavily in their sites. So why do so many still fall short?

3 Tips for a Competitive Mobile Web Experience

If you still consider the mobile experience of your website as secondary to the desktop experience, think again. If customers can’t access your website quickly and easily on their phones, you might be losing business.

Help Users Find Your Content

A lot of the websites we build out are fairly large. The sites either have a ton of pages, products or articles, which is all great content, but then the struggle becomes how to showcase this content in the...

The Importance of Testing on the Web

It’s no secret among web developers that testing is important: between hearing the buzz of test-driven development spread through the industry, and living the experience of squashing critical bugs in production, we know the value of good quality assurance...

Is your business’ website telling the right story?

I've been having a lot of the same conversations with businesses owners about their websites. If we focus more on the story of your business, then we see where your website can fit into the story.

User Interface Design Principles: How UI Can Help Your Business

Last month, I talked to you about the term user experience (UX) and why it was important to your business goals. User experience is the practice of fulfilling a user’s need. When we apply UX principles to a project,...

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