Help Users Find Your Content

A lot of the websites we build out are fairly large. The sites either have a ton of pages, products or articles, which is all great content, but then the struggle becomes how to showcase this content in the best way without overwhelming the user.


The first step is organizing all of this content in a way your users can understand. Sometimes this is hard because a business might think that a term or phrase is understood by their user, but it might not be. This is usually determined by us asking, “Is this a term your user understands?” The answer to that questions quickly leads to two different conversations.

The right UI

Now that you’ve got things organized, designing out the right user interface is important. You always want to start by showing your user all the content upfront. This helps showcase your expertise or inventory. Then by introducing filters, a user can weed out the unnecessary content to find the information they need. If you have a large collection of content, introducing a simple search will also help narrow down the content, creating an even better user experience.


Search Engine Optimization has become this get-rich-quick term where businesses think if they add in SEO to their site then they will get more leads. But if your website features a lot of content, then you want to make sure that you apply some basic SEO principals to each piece of content. The biggest ones are using the right keywords and linking up older articles. The best thing to do is write your content and then look for opportunities to switch out keywords and links later. Brand voice is more important.

Don't Branch Out Alone

We know that your time is limited but taking your website to the next level is essential. Don’t branch out alone. Tap into our team of experts to keep your site ahead of the curve.

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