Top 3 things to Review on Google Analytics

Looking at all the data that Google Analytics gives us can be a little overwhelming. Here are the top 3 things to make sure you review when you are looking at your data.

1. Audience

Audience is basically the way it sounds. Knowing who you are talking to and in what channel is important and may show you something different then you believe.

2. Acquisition

Acquisition is where people are coming from. Are they coming from social media, search engines or direct links? This breaks down everything and in what segments.

3. Behavior

Behavior shows you what content visitors are reading the most. This way you know what kind of services/products majority of people are looking for or what kind of content to recreate.


Knowing your data is so important to your business. The more you know, the more you know how to market and where. You may think your target audience is women ages 40-50 and after looking at your Google Analytics you see men ages 20-30. This is going to change everything, where you focus your attention, what kind of tone you use and what service to provide.

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