AI Motivational Quote Generator for WBENC 2024

WBENC AI Quote Generator

How We Built An Interactive Online AI Tool To Enhance A Major Sales Pitch


RedTree Web Design Fast Facts

Industry: Web Design


Location: Pittsburgh

Case Study Date: 2024


A Sales Pitch In Front of 4,500 Competitors

When we attended the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council in March of 2024, we had a unique problem.

Our founder and CEO, Meesha Gerhart, signed up to pitch RedTree Web Design to Fortune 500 companies.

While that was a huge opportunity, there was an issue: Those company reps would simultaneously hear from 4,500 other founders and CEOs, meaning Meesha’s message would likely get lost in a sea of pitches.

That was unacceptable.

We realized Meesha needed a unique approach that fit a very specific criteria:

  • It had to stand out.
  • It had to be memorable.
  • It had to showcase RedTree Web Design’s professional capabilities.
  • It had to demonstrate our interest and mastery over emerging AI technologies.
  • It had to be small enough to fit into Meesha’s luggage on the flight to Denver.

With those specifications listed, our team got to work!


Mad Libs Meets AI

Our team landed on a clever solution: Essentially, we’d combine the fun of Mad Libs with the intricacies of AI to help WBENC participants generate a quote describing their conference experience.

Here’s how it worked:

The team first tapped into ChatGPT’s API configurations, then designed a prompt to build a unique, descriptive quote from three random words.

From there, we connected the bot to a landing page on the RedTree Web Design website.

But even that had to be thoughtfully executed. The webpage would be visited in a bustling conference hall filled with noisy distractions, so the landing page had to be streamlined and engaging.

With that in mind, the design team stripped away unnecessary code to focus entirely on the AI widget.

Once the page was built, we turned its URL into a QR code and printed it onto a square business card for simple transportation and eye-catching results. 

From there, all Meesha had to do was build her pitch around the tool.


From Grabbing Attention to Sparking Sales Conversations

Company representatives—and even the fellow founders and CEOs—at WBENC were captivated by this unique approach to sales and streamlined demonstration of what’s possible with AI and websites.

The tool inspired hundreds of new site visits, and the average user tried the quote generator 2-3 times on every visit.

Even better: The cards created a massive stir during the conference among attendees and the high-powered company representatives—ultimately leading to conversations Meesha might not have had otherwise.

She even had people coming up to ask, “Hey, are you the one with the QR code?”

Don't Branch Out Alone

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