Learning How to Social Media

As designer, it is easy for me to concentrate on staying on brand visually when posting on social media platforms. I could post beautiful images or fun graphics all day, but growing your brand is not nearly so simple. A couple of lessons I learned:

Frequency + Consistency

Statistically, people look at different platforms more frequently on certain days or even certain times of the day. Also, if you only post once every few weeks, it’s easy for your audience to forget about you. I learned quickly that posting often and consistently is essential to the growth of your brand. Social Media scheduling tools like Hootsuite and Later really help keep timing on track.


Using consistent styling and visuals are always important, but equally important is the content. The frequency of posting I touched on above means upping the diversity of content. The implied comprehension of the different spaces of your industry provides way more interest than variations on the same visual recipe. A sandal company that solely posts images of their sandals can get monotonous, but posting about the decisions that go into making those sandals, the impacts they have in people’s lives and the messaging behind the company itself greatly increases the opportunity for diversity in content. I am constantly jotting down ideas for new posts throughout the week.

Have Fun!

Initially I mainly posted images of our finished websites, but projects can take weeks to finish. I was constantly worrying about what to post in between when I realized we already do lots of cool stuff as a company, so why not post about that? Funny .gifs, case study videos, fun times with co-workers, holiday illustrations; all these types of posts showed a different side of us and of RedTree, and they are equally interesting to our audience!

And it’s kind of embarrassing that I have to say this, but if you aren’t already, you should follow us. Duh.

Don't Branch Out Alone

We know that your time is limited but taking your website to the next level is essential. Don’t branch out alone. Tap into our team of experts to keep your site ahead of the curve.

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