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Considering Your User

A big part of our process when working with a client is getting to know them and their business. We work hard to get as specific as possible with their goals and messaging, however, it is as important for us to get to know their audience just as well as we know the client.

Oftentimes, the perspective of the client will take the front seat in terms of the project projection. That consideration is very important, especially when the client considers if it was executed to their standards. However, it is also our job to at the same time, to weigh in the perspective of their users, both current and wanted, and factor how they would interpret the site into the final concept.

Without having a specialized team, like us, to do it for you, how do you make sure the audience is always being considered when implementing any new aspect of the website, whether content, layout or an entirely new idea? Here are some tips to help you out:

Ask Yourself

Sometimes it’s as simple as reminding yourself that there is an audience to consider and to widen the perspective.

Reference Your Branding Guide

Maybe you have asked yourself if you are speaking to your audience, but you are unsure whom that entails. Check your branding guide. Most companies have at least a Word doc with some branding notes, typically including your audience, jotted down. If you don’t have one of these, go ahead and make one. It will keep you organized and on point in your messaging.

Talk to Your Team

Two heads are better than one. It’s true. And it’s even more useful in keeping new materials and projects in check. You can even get more specific and ask your team directly whether your audience is being addressed.

User test!

When in doubt, ask the users directly! This is a very common tool for RedTree and designers everywhere. You can’t get better feedback than directly from your audience. There are many platforms you can use like UserTesting or Try My UI.

If you think your projects through carefully and thoroughly then you won’t have anything to worry about, but in case you are worried, the tips above should help or you can just call us!

Don't Branch Out Alone

We know that your time is limited but taking your website to the next level is essential. Don’t branch out alone. Tap into our team of experts to keep your site ahead of the curve.

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